What to Expect
Stepping foot in a church can be hard for some people.
Perhaps you've never been to church before. Or perhaps you've had a bad experience at church in the past. Or maybe you love the church and are looking for that place you can belong.
Whatever the case, you are probably reading this because you haven't given up on church, and God is leading you to connect with people who know Him, and to follow Jesus Christ more intentionally. Please know that you are welcome here.
What should I expect when I walk through the doors?
When you walk through the doors, expect to be greeted warmly. We love new faces, and we want to make you feel at home. We are here to serve you. You'll find coffee, tea, and cookies set out for all to enjoy.

What should I wear?
People who come dress both formally and informally. You'll see some ties and you'll see some shorts. What's most important is what is in our hearts as we draw near to God in worship. We only ask that whatever you wear, you dress with modesty, in a way that is respectful to others.

​When should I arrive?
Sunday school is at 9:30am, and the worship service is at 11:00am. In between there is half an hour for visiting with one another. You can choose to come to one or both. Whatever you choose, we recommend you come a few minutes early to get oriented and to say hello to others.

What is Sunday school like?
At 9:30am we have our Sunday School classes, which run for one hour. They are classes to study the Bible together. We treasure the Bible as God's word, and take seriously our responsibility to be a biblical people. Sunday School is a time to learn and interact, to grow together through listening and discussion. Discussions are led by a teacher. Feel free to sit in on a class and say nothing, or to join in and ask questions. We are all growing together. You'll find people to be friendly and engaging.
What is the worship service like?
At 11:00am our worship service begins, and we encourage people to find a seat in the sanctuary five minutes before service starts. Use these minutes to quiet yourself and prepare your heart for worship.
Our worship involves singing to God as a congregation, hearing the word of God read and preached, and praying to God together. We sing with a variety of worship styles, from classic hymns to contemporary praise songs. We want our singing to be both reverent and joyful. You may see people raising their hands to God, which is a sign of adoration. A pastor will preach a sermon, about 40 minutes long, explaining a passage from the Bible and urging us to respond to it with faith and action. A pastor will also lead the congregation in prayer, thanking God and asking Him to meet various needs.

We don't take up a collection on Sunday mornings, and there is no requirement for you to give money to the church. All giving is voluntary. Occasionally we will take up a special offering for a special charitable cause. We encourage people to be generous. We believe that by giving generously we honor God, we help those in need, we partner with God's work in the world, and we train our hearts towards love, joy, and contentment.
Services are typically about an hour and 15 minutes long. After the service some leave right away, and others stay around and keep visiting. Sometimes there's food or cake to enjoy. Feel free to stay or go as you'd like. And please introduce yourself and fill out a Connect Card so we can stay in touch. We would love to build relationship with you.

Do you partake of the Lord's Supper?
Yes, on the first Sunday of every month we receive the Lord's Supper. Bread and grape juice are served to remember and proclaim the death of Jesus Christ for our sins (a gluten-free bread is also available). Everyone who has put his or her trust in Jesus is welcome to come forward and receive the symbols. We ask that if you are not yet a believer in Jesus that you refrain from partaking, but you are more than welcome to watch and reflect, and we would love to talk with you afterwards about how you can put your trust in Christ and be saved from your sins by His sacrifice on the cross.
Is there anything for children?
Yes, and the physical and spiritual wellbeing of children is very important to us. During the worship service, just before the sermon, children ages 4-10 are dismissed for Discovery Kids. Discovery Kids is a class for kids where they play games, have a snack, learn songs, do a craft, and grow in their knowledge of God's Word. All child care and classes are staffed by two trained adults. We love kids!

We also have a nursery room for parents with very young children who may require it, and the audio from the service is broadcast to it.
Optional: let us know you are coming!
Get in touch so we can start building relationship. And please ask any other question you may have.